Before you can start scoring, first step is to setup class grid.
Grid can only be setup by allocated Judge's account.
please follow the steps below to setup grid.
1. Login to your account and click on "Profile => Judges Dashboard" from top right side menu.
2. Click on "Scoring Dashboard" from right had side for the class you want to setup grid.
3. Fill out the form to setup grid. Once relevant information is filled out click on "Save Grid"
To add multiple combo separate grid number by "," (comma) i.e. Double Jump At :- 3,7,9 will create double jump combo at 3rd Jump, 7th Jump and 9th Jump.
4. Once grid information is saved, it will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
To change number on the grid, click on the number and you can change it.
Once you are happy with the grid setup you can now start scoring.
If you have any question or feedback please email us on