Setting up Classes

The next step in setting up your Event is to create Classes. To do this, go to the Event Administration Screen and click on Manage button for the event you wish to create classes in.


Front he left sidebar, click on classes.


In the Manage classes screen you can see a list of all of the available classes.


Click on Create New Class button from that screen.


The New Class screen will now open.


Enter the Class details as follows:

  1. Enter the Name of the Class.
  2. Select the Arena where the Class will take place from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the Fee Per Entry for each Rider in the Class. This number is GST inclusive. If you are a Club you will also see additional Fee Per Entry fields for each of your Membership Types.
  4. Enter the Minimum Height of the Jumps in the Class 
  5. Enter the Maximum Height of the Jumps in the Class
  6. Enter the maximum Number of People Allowed to enter the Class
  7. Enter the Grade or Prize Money (in dollars) applicable to the Class (Show Jumping Events only)
  8. Enter the Name of the Course Designer (Show Jumping Events only)
  9. Enter the Name of the Judge of the Class (Show Jumping Events only)

For Dressage events only Duration field will be visible to insert Dressage test duration in minutes.

Select Create New Class when you have entered information in all of the required fields.

The newly created class will appear on the Class Management screen, as shown below:


To create additional Classes repeat the same process. To edit an existing class, click on the Edit button.

To change the classes order, click on the Change Class Order button.


In the opened screen you will see a list of all available classes based on dates. Click and drag classes to change their order.


To delete a class, click on the Delete button and confirm deletion.




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