Event Administration Screen

The Event Administration screen (Home) is the central place for Organisers to setup, view, edit and keep track of their current and previous Events and to monitor how registrations for each of those Events are proceeding. 

The Event Administration Screen provides you with critical information about your Event(s), including; Event Name & Dates of operation, how many Competitors have registered to participate, how many Rounds have been registered and the amount of Payments that have been made by Competitors. 


To start managing your event, click either on the event name or on the Manage button.


To create classes,extra charges please click on Manage button or click on the name of the event itself and it will take you to next screen which will have all the detailed option.

You can use "Publish" and "Un-Publish" button to display event on the frontend calendar.

Publishing event on frontend does not mean that competitors can enter the event. Competitors can only enter the event if the entries are open and event is published.

Once clicked, you are redirected to the event admin panel, as can be seen on the side menu.



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