How to stop membership renewal emails?

Renewal emails are sent automatically to Paid members of the club 30 days before the membership renewal.

If you wish to stop/change days to send renewal membership email, please follow the steps below.

1. Go to "Membership Types" from Admin Dashboard.

1 - Membership Types Admin Menu.png

2. Click on "Edit" from right hand side of the membership type to change renewal notification days.

2 - Membership Types List.png

3. Click on the dropdown "Renewal Notification Before Days" and select the days.4 - Renewal Days Never.png

If you select Never, user will not receive renewal email or will not be able to renew from frontend even after membership expires.

3 - Renewal Notification Before Days.png

4. Click on "Update Membership Type" from bottom of the page.


Repeat the steps for other Membership Types you have if you wish to change the renewal notification days.


Please be aware that system will only send out email to users whose membership has expired in last 90 days.

If you have any more question or need any help please feel free to email us on or call us 


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